Benefits of swimming during your pregnancy
The reason swimming is such a great exercise is because it uses large muscle groups in both your arms and legs at the same time. It offers a low-impact cardiovascular workout, and allows you to feel weightless despite the extra pounds of pregnancy. It increases your body’s ability to process and use oxygen, improves circulation, increases muscle tone and strength and builds your endurance.- Swimming in the first trimester Your goal should be to try and swim for at least 20 minutes and every other day for maximum benefit. If you are suffering from morning sickness, then swimming in the morning will help you with the morning sickness, but then it may also make it worse. You will have to see how it effects you and take it from there.
- Swimming in the second trimester One of the beauties about swimming during pregnancy is that you wont really have to cut down on your routine as your pregnancy progresses, because of the fact that it is such a low impact form of exercise. What may require more attention is that as your belly gets bigger you may have to think about purchasing a maternity swimsuit.
- Swimming in the third trimester When you are swimming one of the great things is that all your joints are supported by the water. It will also help prevent your body from over heating as you exercise, especially if the last trimester falls in the middle heat of the summer months. Breast stroke during the last trimester is possibly going to be the most beneficial to you. The reason for this is because it gives a good workout to your chest and back muscles, which are the two areas most out of alignment during your pregnancy.
Swimming During Pregnancy