A Typical Prenatal Visit

What checks will be completed?
- Give urine There are a number of difference issues which will be checked through a urine test. Protein and glucose are possibly the two most common as any unusual results would indicate a possible complication.
- Blood Pressure This will be taken at every visit and will give your practitioner an idea of what your blood pressure normally is. This will allow your doctor to pick up on any rise or fall in normal blood pressure.
- Fundal Height This is the size of your uterus and will be carried out from week 20 onwards. At around this time your uterus will probably measure around 20cm from the pubic bone.
- Fetal Heart Rate From around week 12 your practitioner will be able to use a Doppler to hear baby’s heart beat. From 18 weeks onwards your doctor will use a instrument called a fetoscope to listen to baby’s heart beat.
- Nutrition Your doctor will more than likely ask you what you have been eating, you will be weighed to ensure that your weight gain is as it should be. If you need any help with your diet then speak to your doctor about any questions which you have.
- Mental & Physical Health A general chat about how you are feeling – are you suffering from fatigue, swelling and water retention, headaches and general aches and pains.
Routine Visits