How long after pregnancy can you have sex?
There are now hard and fast rules to this question, although many doctors will say not at least for the first six weeks. However, it really only comes down to one person, your partner. Your partner will let you know when she is ready, and you should respect that. In most cases, your partner is going to be busy doting over your new little bundle of joy, you are now firmly in the back seat. The best thing for you is to spend time with your partner, helping with your baby. Not only should this be a time for you to bond with your baby, but for you to bond as a family.You’ve tried all your old moves, and your aren’t getting anywhere
You need to remember that your relationship with your partner has gone to another level now. Some of the old tricks you used to try won’t get you anywhere, if fact some may get you even further away from getting lucky. You may need to rekindle the romance, and I mean this in the purest sense. Dinner, movies and a walk in the park under a full moon stuff. You need to make your partner feel loved, special and the only person in the world again.Sex Appeal
Your partner may feel as though she’s lost her sex appeal to everyone, and hey it can be hard to feel sexy after pregnancy, and when you smell of vomit. Try and make some time for you and your partner to get out and about for a little exercise, even if it is only a brisk stroll. You may be amazed at hour a little exercise can make a person feel good. After pregnancy, you need to make your wife feel good. Make her feel like she is the most beautiful woman in the worldBreasts and Milk
For some men, their partners breasts spurting milk can be a huge put off. There are solutions to this though. Your partner can keep her bra on, or to spice things up a little the two of you may even go shopping for sexy lingerie. You could also try a little romance after your partner has fed your little bundle of joy, that way, her breasts should be less full, and less likely to start spurting milk at that crucial moment. There are also the possibilities that the fact that your wife squirting milk may even be a turn on. If this is the case, then you should speak to your partner about it, but remember to be careful as it is fairly easy for infection and bacteria to enter her breast, and cause harm to your little one.Sex and a crying baby
If every time you and your partner start thinking about sex, your baby starts crying. There are simple solutions to this though. Find a good reliable baby sitter that the two of you feel comfortable with, and have a romantic evening together. Get away from your usual setting. Take a week end away in the country side, or at a hotel. The change of setting may do some really great things for rekindling that dwindling romance.Do’s and Don’ts for rekindling the romance
- What You Should DoArrange a romantic getaway Take time to look after your baby, so she can relax, have her hair done or just go and have a relaxing bath. Make her feel as beautiful as you think she is. She may not know that you still feel attracted to her Spoil her with a little gift every now and then
- What You Shouldn’t Do
- Complain
- Beg
- Compare her body to what it used to look like
- Expect her to give you what you want all the time
Rekindling The Romance