Questions You Should Ask Your Midwife

- Do you take my insurance? How much will it cost and what are my out of pocket expenses? Are there any upfront payments?
- How big is the baby? How accurate are the size estimates?
- Am I gaining too much/too little weight? How much should I be eating/drinking?
- What foods/drinks should I avoid during pregnancy?
- What medications are safe during pregnancy?
- What types of exercise are safe during pregnancy? When should I stop exercising
- Is it okay to have sex during my pregnancy
- Is this pain I’m feeling normal? What sort of pains are considered normal/abnormal
- Is this discharge / spotting normal? How do I know if I’m leaking amniotic fluid?
- At what point should I start counting baby movements? How long is too long between movements?
- Are these sensations I’m feeling normal? (dizziness, rapid heartbeat, extreme fatigue, etc)
- What prenatal tests are given during pregnancy? What are they for and why are they necessary?
- At what point do you perform an ultrasound? How many ultrasounds will I be given?
- What were the results from my test? (If you’ve recently had any tests done out of the office in between visits, remind your doctor. They may have the results in your file and forget to give them to you.)
- What are your thoughts on VBAC’s? (Vaginal birth after Cesarean)
- Who and what number should I call if I have an urgent question after hours?
- What is the procedure when I go into labor? Do I call you first or do I go to the hospital? At what point during labor should I call you or go to the hospital?
- What happens if you are not available when I need to deliver?
- How do I know if I’m in labor or not? Signs of Labor
- What is the difference between Braxton Hick’s contractions and the real thing? How can I tell?
- What are your feelings on inductions, c-sections and/or episiotomies?
- Are you or the hospital equipped for preemie deliveries? What type of neo-natal care is available?
- What type of pain relief for birth is there and what are their effects on me and the baby?
- What type of birthing methods do you or the hospital allow?
- Who do I give my birth plan to before the delivery?
- What/who is/is not allowed in the delivery room? (cameras, video cameras, children, etc) Some doctors do not allow video cameras, so be sure to check ahead of time.
- For midwives…Do you allow home births?
- When and how do I schedule a hospital tour?
Questions To Ask You Healthcare Provider