Pregnancy Week 10
How big is yourbaby?
By the end of this week your baby will measure around 3.1cm (1.22inch) and weighsaround 4grams (0.14ounce). growth over this week is going to be rapid.
Your baby’s development
The end of week 10 sees the end of the embryonic period and the start ofthe fetal period.
By now your baby’s head will make up more than half of his/her total length. Yourbaby’s body will continue to straighten and grow as this week goes by. Your babyshead now also appears to be more rounded.
Over the next few days hair follicles, finger nails and toe nails will begin toappear and form. Your baby’s eyes are still set wide apart but should be completelycovered by eyelids, or at least very close to it. Towards the middle of this weekyour babys tongue should now also be fully formed.
Your babys brain will also begin to form the fissures which are charactoristic ofa human brain.
Youcan view week 10 ultrasounds as well as an artists impression of your developingbaby in our pregnancy media section.
Don’t forget that you can also upload your own images to the Pregnancy gallery.
Your Development
Your weight gain should still be steady. However, if you are not gainingweight yet, then you should ask your healthcare provider about your progress. Weightgain during pregnancy will differ from person to person, but it is usually the firstindication that your baby is growing as he/she should be. You should be continuingwith your healthy eating plan and keepingwith your regular exercise program, as both of these will have the best benefiton your developing baby and yourself both during the pregnancy and post pregnancy.
One of the most unusual symptoms of pregnancy is the skin changes which affect some women. Also known as melasma, or the mask of pregnancy. This usually affects women who havea darker complection and it is thought that it is caused by progesterone to estrogenratio in your body
Rubella During Pregnancy
Most healthcare providers will test you for Rubella if you are pregnant,as Rubella, or German Measles, can be responsible for a number of complicationsduring pregnancy, such as miscarriage or fetal malformation.
You cannot have a Rubella vaccination while you are pregnant, because of the possibilityof exposing your baby to the virus.
Chickenpox During Pregnancy
Approximately 1 in every 2000 pregnant women develop chicken pox during theirpregnancy. A form of pnueumonia may develop in those women who become infected withchicken pox during their pregnancy, which can be extremely dangerous for pregnantwomen.
If you become infected with chicken pox just before you deliver your baby, thereis a strong possibility that he/she may also become infected with it, which canbe serious to your new born baby.