A common question is how safe is it to travel by air during the first and
last trimester of your pregnancy.
Well the good news is that there is no real danger to you or your developing baby if you choose to travel by commercial airliner during your pregnancy up to about 35 weeks or, unless you have certain complications such as severe
anemia, sickle cell disease, clotting disorders and placental insufficiency, as these can place even more risk on you and your baby.
One of the more common concerns is what effect the air pressure will have on your baby, however there is no need for any concern – as the cabin of the air plane is pressurized to a safe level, and your body easily adjusts to the changes.
Another common concern is that you will in some way be exposed to electromagnetic radiation from the sun at high altitudes, especially since the effects of being exposed to radiation during pregnancy are well understood.
It is true that at higher altitudes there is an increase of exposure, but this level is not in dangerous for the average pregnant women who may be flying. If you are concerned about the possible exposure to high radiation levels, then please consult with your health care provider.
Although there is no immediate danger to woman who fly in the
early stages of pregnancy, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that the safest time to fly while pregnant is between weeks 18 and 24. This is because that this is generally the time when there is less chance of a
miscarriage, and before any chances of
premature labor.
Travel Tips For Pregnancy Flying
We do have a list of things to consider if you are going to be taking holiday or trip which requires flying during your pregnancy:
- Ask for an aisle seat or if possible a seat at the bulkhead as these seats generally have a bit more leg room
- Fasten the safety belt under your stomach and across the tops of your thighs, rather than across your stomach.
- Try and get up and walk every half-hour or. If you are unable to get up, then ensure that you stretch your legs and flex your feet as much as possible to keep the blood flowing.
- Drink plenty of fluids
Also, remember that all airlines have a policy with regards to flying while pregnant, so be sure to ask when you book your ticket.