Ten Questions to Ask Your OBGYN
- Which hospitals do you work in?
- How many doctors/midwives are working with you?
- Are you planning any trips around the time of my due date?
- If you are not available to deliver my baby, who will step in?
- Can I meet the substitute?
- At what point during labor can I arrive at the hospital?
- How do you deal with emergency calls?
- What is your fee structure, and how soon after your birth will you be expecting payment?
- What portion of your fees can I claim from my health insurer?
- If my labor turns out to be straight forward, are you comfortable with birthing preferences?
Baby NurseryChecklist
- Basinet and/or cot
- Change table
- Set of drawers
- Baby monitor
- Night Light
- Radio (Some babies prefer background noise)
- Waterproof mattress protector
- Server al sets of basinet and/or cot sheets
- Two cotton blankets
- Three wraps
- Comfortable chair for feeding
- Small table for next to chair
- Clothes Hamper
Early Labor Signs Checklist
- Lower back pain , which can radiate down the legs
- Period like pain
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea or generally feeling ill
- Losing the mucous plug
- Waters breaking
- Contractions
Baby Bath Time Checklist
- A warm room so that baby wont be uncomfortable when being dried and dressed after the bath.
- Plastic bath tub with a drainage plug. Small babies can even be bathed in the kitchen sink.
- Bath stand or non slip mat to sit the bath tub on.
- Rubber mat to put in the bath to reduce slipping
- Hooded towel to wrap your baby in after the bath
- Soft towel to lay baby on while dressing
- Socks/Booties
- Singlet or jumpsuit You can also try baby nighties, which are great for middle of the night nappy changes
- Nappy Babies, especially boys have the habit of weeing before the nappy is on, so be sure to have one handy
- Nappy cream
- Cotton buds
Pregnancy Checklist