Baby Development: 6 Months Old

Baby Development: 6 Month Old
Month 5 development sees a great deal of progress in the senses and reflexes as wellas the social and mental departments, with baby’s strength increasing as each day passes by.Baby Development Milestones Month 5 At a Glance
Week 21 Read Full Article
- Alert at least half of his/her waking hours
- Can grasp large ring
- Looks around in new situations
- Holds one block, looks at second and drops first to take second
- Will protest and resist someone who tries to take toy away
Week 22 Read Full Article
- When lying on back, he/she may move by kicking against a flat surface
- Turns and twists in all directions
- Sits supported for up to 30 mins
- Can discriminate self from others in a mirror
- Leans over to look at fallen object
- can recognize object from only seeing part of it
- Interests in breastfeeding lags
- Vocalizes pleasure and displeasure
- Smiles at self in the mirror
- May prefer a partcular toy
Week 23 Read Full Article
- Sits with little support
- May slump forward on hands for balance
- Reaches with one arm
- May bend him/herslef into sitting position when rolling from back to side
- Turns head freely
- Will gauze at object for long time
- can utter additional consonant sounds
- Giggle and laughs
- Coos, hums and stops crying when hears music
Week 24 Read Full Article
- While lying on back, grabs and holds foot in play
- May manipulate objects
- Shows different emotions
- May have abrupt mood changes
- Coos and gurgles with pleasure
- Turns when own name is heard
Month 6