Baby Development: 5 Month Old
Month 5 development sees a great deal of progress in the senses and reflexes as wellas the social and mental departments, with baby’s strength increasing as each day passes by.Baby Development Milestones Month 5 At a Glance
Week 17 Read Full Article
- May make swimming motions, resulting in movement around his crib
- May be ready to start solid foods
- Can distinguish between smells
- May hold object between index and second fingers
- Has responsive periods of 1 hour or more
- Is interested in making new sounds
- Laughs when playing
- May cry if playing is disrupted
- May interrupt feedings with play
Week 18 Read Full Article
- Balances head steadily in different positions
- Brings feet to mouth
- Grasp is steadier
- Plays with rattle
- Can squeal, grunt and make ‘raspberry’ sound
- Smiles and vocalizes to gain attention and to make social contact
Week 19 Read Full Article
- Lifts both arms and feet while lying on stomach
- Raises hand near object
- Brings object to mouth
- Utters vowel sounds and a few consonants
- Likes toplay at meal times
Week 20 Read Full Article
- Aims well when reaching
- May be able to hold bottle with both hands
- Wants to touch hold turn shake and mouth objects
- Deliberately imitates sounds and movements
- Imitates facial expressons
- Waves arms to be picked up
Month 5