Baby Development: 4 Months Old

Baby Development Milestones Month 4 At a Glance
Week 13 Read Full Article
- Able to sit with support
- May bat at object with closed fist
- Waits for expected reward, such as feeding
- Tries to attract attention when parent or sibling is nearby
- May be attentive for up to 45 minutes
Week 14 Read Full Article
- Can focus eyes at different distances
- holds head steady and errect for short periods
- Clasps fingers and hands in play
- Smiles and vocalizes more to an actual face than to an image
- Attempts to sooth self
- May prefer a particular toy
- Can be quitened by music
Week 15 Read Full Article
- Can turn head in all directions
- Splashes and plays in bath
- Has memory span of up to 7 seconds
- Interested in mirror image, may smile at it
- Adjusts responses to different people
Week 16 Read Full Article
- May roll over from back to stomach or stomach to back
- Sits with assistance and support
- Pulls dangling object toward himself and brings it to mouth
- Stares at the place where object dropped
- Displays interest in smells
- Initiates several tonal sounds
- Begins to recognize and differentiate between family members.
Month 4