Baby Development: 2 Month Old

Baby Development Milestones Month 2 At a Glance
Week 5 Read Full Article
- Actions become more voluntary and reflexes begin to disappear
- May bat at objects
- More easily calmed by female voice
- Memory for objects continues to grow in length
- Can quite self by sucking fingers or pacifier
- Prefers to watch a person than an objects
Week 6 Read Full Article
- Can hold head up at 45 degree angle for a few seconds while lying on stomach
- Muscle tone improves
- Stares vaguely at surroundings
- Studies movement of own hands
- May become excited in anticipation of objects
- May smile when you smile
- Stays awake for longer if interacting with someone
Week 7 Read Full Article
- Stays awake for longer periods
- Visually tracks from outer corner of eye past midline of body
- Is interested in sounds
- May glance at hand
- Responds with excitement to persons presence
Week 8 Read Full Article
- Head remains fairly erect when in sitting position, but still wobbly
- Cycles arms and legs smoothly
- Can discriminate among voices, people, tastes and object sizes
- Picks out mothers voice from a group of people
- repeats actions for own sake
- Watches person alertly and directly
Month 2