Baby Development: 10 Months Old
Week 37 Read Full Article
- Crawls with one hand holding something
- Can turn around when crawling
- Bangs objects together at center of body
- Uncovers a toy he/she saw hidden
- Diliberately chooses a toy for play
- Immitates soume sounds
- Manipulates and drinks from cup
Week 38 Read Full Article
- Can take a few steps if supported
- Reaches for small objects with finger and thumb
- Grows bored with repetition
- Is aware of vertical space
- Begins to evaluate peoples moods
Week 39 Read Full Article
- Climbs
- Crawls up stairs
- Clasps hands
- Can follow simple instructions
- Is becoming affraid of heighs
- May learn to protect him/herself and possesions
- Performs for audiences; repeats act if applauded
Week 40 Read Full Article
- Stands with little support
- May develop sleep problems caused by practicing standing in the middle of the night
- Voluntarily releases object in awkward manner
- Grasps tiny objects with thumb and index finger
- Increasingly stands and obeys some words and commands
- enjoys playing in the water
- Prefers one of several toys
- Repeats sounds and gestures tog et attention
- Waves bye-bye
Month 10