Old Wives Tales On Conception
Your baby is what you eat?- If you want a boy: Eat red meat; Eat salty snacks such as: crackers and chips; Dads should drink plenty of sodas, preferably cola drinks.
- If you want a girl: Eat lots of fish and veggies; Eat lots of sweats and chocolates.
Old Wives Tales And Sex
- If you want a boy:The woman should stay horizontal after sex, as this gives the boy sperm a better chance of reaching the cervix than the girl sperm; Make love standing up, or use the rear entry position; Focus on the males pleasure during love making.
- If you want a girl:Make love in the missionary position, or with the woman on top; Focus on the female’s sexual pleasure.
- Make love on a quarter moon if you want a boy
- Make love on a full moon if you want a girl
- Make love on odd days for boys and even days for girls
- Some old wives tales say that the more dominant sex in the relationship will produce offspring of the same sex
What The Experts Have To Say
Now we have heard the Old Wives Tales, lets see what the experts have to say about determining the sex of your baby. First of all we need to realize that there is no way to guarantee that we can determine the sex of your baby, but what we can do is look at the theory of conception and the male sperm in order to try to determine what the possible outcome of the sex of your baby may be, and how you can go about “planning the sex of your baby”. Here is what we do know:- The ‘male’ sperm cells swim quicker than the ‘female’ sperm cells. What this means is that a male will produce two different kinds of sperm cells, those which would create a boy and those which would create a girl, and the ‘male’ sperm will swim quicker than the ‘female’ sperm.
- The ‘female’ sperm will remain alive inside the women for a longer period of time than the ‘male’ sperm.
- The female egg produced by the women will only be fertile for a short period of time, about 24 hours, once it has been released when she ovulates.
- Men should refrain from any kind of sexual activity for at least 2-4 weeks prior to the set date of your ovulation.
- You could bathe your partners testicles in cool water, as a lower temperate is more appropriate for strong healthy sperm cells. Just also be aware not to make it too cold, as too cold a temperature may have the same effect as a high temperature.
- Males should wear loose fitting boxers, as opposed to the traditional underwear for the reasons mentioned above.

Determine Baby’s Sex