Danger Signs Worth Noting During Pregnancy

- Nausea Feeling sick after a workout means you may have built up too much lactic acid, a byproduct of muscle metabolism, in your stomach.
- Dizziness Persistent dizziness or dizziness accompanied by blurred vision and headaches or palpitations can be a symptom of severe anemia or other serious illness that could affect your pregnancy.
- Sudden change in body temperature If your hands turn clammy or you get hot or cold flushes, your body is telling you that it’s having a hard time regulating it’s internal temperature, which can be harmful to the fetus.
- Heart palpitations If you can’t keep up a conversation or you sweat buckets while you exercise, you’re probably pushing yourself too hard. Make it a practice to monitor your heart rate while you’re exercising, checking to be sure that it doesn’t exceed 140 beats per minute. Although this target heart rate will vary depending on your level of fitness. You can pick up an easy-to-use heart-rate monitor at any sporting goods store.
- Increased swelling in your hands, feet and ankles Your feet and hands may puff up a little after exercise, but if you notice more swelling than usual, you may have preeclampsia.
- Vaginal bleeding While some women experience light spotting throughout their pregnancy, bleeding is cause for concern. Early in your pregnancy it could signal a miscarriage. In the second and third trimesters, bleeding is associated with premature labor, placenta previa, or placenta abruption
- Blurred vision If your eyesight gets hazy in the middle of your exercising routine you may be dehydrated and this will send your blood pressure plummeting and your heart into overdrive. As a result of this, there may not be enough blood getting to your developing baby’s vital organs. It may also be a sign of preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure, fluid retention and protein in the urine since preeclampsia can severely restrict the flow of blood to the placenta.
- Fainting Whether you’re in the middle of pregnancy exercise class or not, fainting during pregnancy is not something you should take lightly. It could mean something as simple as dehydration or as serious as major circulatory problems. You may not be getting enough oxygen to your brain, which means your baby may not be getting enough either.
- Sharp recurring pain in the abdomen and chest It may just be your ligaments stretching, but you could also be having contractions. You’ll need to be hooked up to a fetal monitor so your healthcare provider can find out whether you’re in labor or not.
Danger Signs