Pregnancy Symptoms

Hair loss during pregnancy

Hair Loss During and Post Pregnancy Hair Loss During PregnancyThe condition of your hair is going to be affected during the course of your pregnancy – some women say that the condition of their hair improves while they are pregnant and some will say that the condition of their hair has changed for the worse. Generally 40% of pregnant women will report that latter while pregnant. During pregnancy there is an increase in the level of estrogen hormones. The increased estrogen will keep your hair in a growth phase and stimulates hair growth, which is why so many women have…

Getting A Good Nights Sleep

Most mothers-to-be would probably prefer to get as much sleep as possible before the baby arrives, but one of nature's dirty tricks is that just when you need as much rest as you can get you can't seem to get it because your back aches, your bladder's always "full", your belly's in the way and your mind is teeming with a host of different fears and anxieties concerning your baby. Here are some of the reasons those zzz's are playing hard to get and some strategies that might help you: Constant need to urinate Your bladder's capacity has shrunk significantly…

Fatigue & Pregnancy

What many women remember most about the early stages of pregnancy is that constant feeling of being tired and having zero energy for anything. Your body is changing in many ways to support your new developing baby. Hormonal changes, in particular can cause you to feel sluggish and tired especially during the first few weeks of your pregnancy. How long will it last? Each pregnancy is different so it may be different for different people, as well as different between pregnancies. It is not uncommon for your second or third pregnancy to be completely different from previous pregnancies which you…

hCG levels & Pregnancy

The level of the hormone human Chorionic Gandotropin, more commonly known as hCG is the hormone whos levels are usually what is tested for during a pregnancy test which you have done by your doctor. A high level of hCG indicates a positive pregnancy. In some cases the increased hCG level can be detected in your blood as early as 8 days after conception, but in most cases it is usually around 11 days. During the course of your pregnancy your hCG levels will increase and decrease, with the levels doubling on average every 30-31 hours until they peak, usually…

Emotional Changes

Finding out that you are pregnant is usually a very emotional experience – you are either delighted, terrified or somewhere in between. However you felt when you found out you were pregnant, the chances are that you were not surprised to be a bit emotional about it. Such things are to be “expected”. What does surprise many women - and their partners - on the other hand is the ongoing emotional changes which may occur during the course of pregnancy. This is perfectly normal, but understanding what to expect, and why, will help both you and your partner get the…

Early Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms

      Delay in MenstruationIf you are pregnant this will last the full term of your pregnancy as you will not be ovulating during the next 9 months. However, a delay in menstruation may also be caused by other reasons, such as: excessive weight gain or loss, a hormonal imbalance or even a change in birth control method. If your monthly cycle is late and you suspect that you may be pregnant the best thing to do is to have a pregnancy test, this will give you a more confirmed result as to whether or not you are indeed…

Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy: Is It Normal? It is not uncommon for you to see a increase of vaginal discharge during pregnancy - so you shouldn't be alarmed if you do all of a sudden notice an increase. The discharge is called leukorrhea and is a mild smelling milky discharge, which you would have noticed before on your underwear prior to falling pregnant. During pregnancy this increases - largely due to the increase in estrogen production and greater blood flow to the vaginal area. Vaginal discharge is made up of secretions from the cervix and vagina containing old cells from…

Dizziness During Pregnancy

Dizziness and lightheadedness is not uncommon during your pregnancy. During this time, your cardiovascular system will undergo some dramatic changes: Your heart rate increases Your heart pumps more blood per minute and the amount of blood in your body expands by an average of 40-45% The capacity of your circulatory system also increases as blood flows to your enlarging uterus and placenta During pregnancy your blood pressure goes down in the beginning and will reach it's lowest point in the middle of your pregnancy. It will then go back to it's normal level by the time you deliver. Most of…

Cramping During Pregnancy

It is not uncommon to experience cramping at some stage during your pregnancy and there are many reasons as to why you may experience this. However severe cramping or stomach pain is not normal and should you experience any cramping or pains in conjunction with any of the following symptoms, you need to call your healthcare provider as soon as possible: bleeding - primarily bright red blood Fever Chills Lightheaded, dizziness or faint Vaginal discharge Normal causes for stomach cramps during pregnancy There are a number of reasons why you may experience cramping during different stages of pregnancy, and these…

Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation and Pregnancy: Common Discomfort Constipation is another of those really unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. This is usually a direct result of the increase in the hormone progesterone, and this slows the movement of your food through your digestive system. It usually also gets worse as your pregnancy progresses. As your developing baby gets bigger there is an increase in the pressure which is placed on your rectum. To make matters worse, iron supplements – which are usually give to pregnant who may be anemic - will make this condition worse. Other causes of constipation during pregnancy? There are other…