Pregnancy Articles

Week 22 Pregnancy Ultrasound

Week 22 Ultrasound Image:   What to Expect This Appointment? Week 22 is one of the most peaceful weeks of pregnancy. By this point, the mother should be feeling the tiny kicks that the baby makes inside the womb. This is the baby stretching out its developed arms and legs. The fetus can detect the difference between light and dark, even though their eyelids are fused shut. This can be demonstrated by the mother shining a light on her tummy. The baby will attempt to move away to avoid the light. This ultrasound should see a very active baby.…

Week 23 Pregnancy Ultrasound

Week 23 Ultrasound Image:   What to Expect This Appointment? Week 23 is a milestone week. This is due to the fact that a child born after 23 weeks has a chance for survival. Children delivered at 23 weeks have a 25-33% of survival with the right medical intervention. While these odds might not seem favorable, a small chance is better than none at all. The baby is 11.5 inches and weighs right at 1 pound. This week is a standard ultrasound. Many parents watch their baby move around on the ultrasound monitor. This week the doctor might insist…

Week 24 Pregnancy Ultrasound

Week 24 Ultrasound Image:   What to Expect This Appointment? With every passing week, the chances of having a happy and healthy baby increase. Babies born during week 24 have a 50% survival rate, and the rate continues to climb as the pregnancy continues. Weight gain is to be expected during the second trimester. Diets that are high in vitamins, calcium, and fiber are ideal for pregnancy. When looking at the ultrasound, parents will no longer be able to see the internal organs or blood vessels. The skin and fat layer have developed enough to protect the internal structures.…

Week 9 Pregnancy Ultrasound

Image of week 9 ultrasound: What to Expect? Congratulations, starting at week 9, the baby is no longer an embryo, but is now a fetus. The fetus is the developmental name for the rest of the pregnancy. From this point on, when referring to the baby, the term fetus will be used instead of embryo. The fetus is about the size of a grape during week 9. The fetus weighs roughly an ounce and will begin to start putting on more weight. The baby looks like you would expect a baby to look. Tiny fetal movements can be detected…

8 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

What to Expect? Week 8 marks the two month period of pregnancy. Most expectant parents are excited about the news of the pregnancy and are anxiously awaiting the time that they can find out the gender of the baby. Mothers should, at this point, have already found a doctor that they feel comfortable with and set up regular appointments. Mothers can expect this ultrasound to mostly be uneventful. The baby is looking more like a baby and is growing. The baby is about the size of a typical kidney bean at 8 weeks. Mothers will hear the embryo’s strong heartbeat,…

Week 7 Pregnancy Ultrasound

The mother’s body is changing and the baby is growing. During this week, both the uterus and the baby have almost doubled in size from the previous week. At 7 weeks, the embryo is approximately the size of a tiny blueberry. Week 7 is a week that many developmental stages are met. Some organs are being created, while other organs are getting their start at the work they will continue to do throughout the duration of their lives. Many body structures are still vulnerable in their stages of development, including the nervous system and some major internal organs.  What is…

Week 6 Pregnancy Ultrasound

By the sixth week, most expectant mothers know that they are expecting. They are slowly getting used to the idea that in a few more months they will have someone there that depends on them for their every need. What to Expect From the Six Week Ultrasound? This week the doctor will be able to get a good view of the embryo and ascertain that the embryo is in the correct place in the uterus. The chorionic sac and yolk sac should be visible on this week’s ultrasound. The chorionic sac, also known as the gestational sac, is the sac…

Week 5 Pregnancy Ultrasound

Week 5 starts with the ongoing development of the internal organs, including the central nervous system and the heart. New features that make the embryo more baby like start to develop. Important processes of the brain and central nervous system begin to develop during this stage. Week 5 is usually the first week a pregnant mother will obtain an ultrasound because it gives the doctors a better idea of the gestation period and allows for early detection of abnormalities. Week five is usually the week that some mothers discover that they are carrying multiples.   What is Developing? During the…

Week 4 Pregnancy Ultrasound

[caption id="attachment_14211" align="alignleft" width="300"] Source:[/caption] The fourth week of pregnancy is when the first visible changes occur. During week 4, the embryonic disc takes on a more cylindrical shape and the neural tube, the precursor to the central nervous system develops. This neural tube is simply a tube that lays the foundation for the entire central nervous system. Mothers won’t have to worry about weight gain yet, but they should be mindful of their dietary intake. This is the first week that many major organs start to form and all of them are vulnerable during this week of pregnancy.…

Pregnancy Week 3

Week three is where the real fun begins. This is the first week where pregnancy symptoms could be experienced. Women that don’t experience symptoms at three weeks shouldn’t be alarmed, everybody is different and women react to hormone changes differently.   The Signs of Pregnancy This is the week that some women find out that they are expecting. They determine this because of the symptoms they begin to experience during this week. Symptoms are varied between different women, but the most common symptoms are vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, vaginal discharge, and cramping. This week is the week that most…