Month 1

Baby Week4

Your Baby Development: 4 Weeks Old How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 9 pounds and measuring 21 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. At this stage you may notice that baby's bowel movements begin to fall into a regular pattern, and he/she should be passing one or two stools per day. His/Her grasp reflex is also developing and he/she may briefly hold onto anything you place in his/her hand. Head movements are also improving with baby being able to move his/her head from side to side to follow an object.…

Baby Week3

Your Baby Development: 3 Weeks Old How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 8 1/2 pounds and measuring 20 3/4 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. Your baby is adapting to his/her new place and family, just as you are now adapting to having him/her in your family. He/She would have accomplished many new thing this week, such as lifting his/her head for a few seconds, turning her head from side to side when he/she is on his/her tummy, etc. Sucking is satisfying to a baby and some may require more…

Baby Week2

Your Baby Development: 2 Weeks Old How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 7 3/4 pounds and measuring 20 1/2 inches if he was of average size at birth. Baby Development Milestones This Week Physical Development Arm, leg and hand movements are still reflexive Startles spontaneously (Moro Reflex) Hands are usually fisted or slightly open Stares at objects 8-12 inches away Roots for breast, even if not breastfeeding Is soothed easily by female voice Mental & Social Development Alert 1 in every 10 hours Cries for assistance Quiets when held or sees faces Eyes…

baby week1

Baby Development: 1 Week Old How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 7 pounds and measuring 20 inches if he/she was of average size. Your baby's heart rate will be around 100 to 150 beats per minute and will breath at about 50 beats per minute. Umbilical Cord Care Almost every baby goes home from the hospital with a stump where the remaining umbilical cord is still attached. It usually take 7-10 days for it to heal and eventually fall off and until then it is imperative that you keep it dry and clean,…