Childbirth Complications

Signs Of Preterm Labor

If you experience any of the following symptoms and you have not yet reached 37 weeks, you should call your healthcare provider ASAP. Contractions or cramps, more than 5 in one hour Bright red blood from your vagina Swelling or puffiness of the face or hands, a sign of pre-eclampsia Pain during urination, possible urinary tract, bladder or kidney infection Sharp or prolonged pain in your stomach (pre-eclampsia signs) Acute or continuous vomiting (pre-eclampsia signs) Sudden gush of clear, watery fluid Low, dull backache Intense pelvic pressure These symptoms can be confusing because most of them may occur at regular…


Episiotomy: Will You Need One? An episiotomy is the surgical cut which is made either before or during labor in the muscular area between the vagina and the anus – this area is called the perineum - to enlarge your vaginal opening. Why is an episiotomy performed? Your health care provider may make this cut either before or during the course of labor if he/she believes that there is a chance of your vagina tearing during childbirth. This is done because many health care provider believed that a clean incision would heal easier than a tear. Are episiotomies still performed?…

Need A C-Section?

Is There A Possibilty That You May Need A Cesarean Section? Most women don't plan on having a Cesarean Section but it is not always their choice when there may be problems in the actual delivery of your baby or if he/she is in a breech position. What is a Cesarean Section? When your baby is born through a cesarean section, the baby is delivered through an incision in your abdominal wall and uterus. Reasons for a Cesarean Section The most common reason is having had a previous c-section although it is possible to have a normal vaginal birth after…

Breech Birth

A breech birth is when your baby is presenting with his/her legs flexed at the hips and extended at the knees, or when one or both knees are flexed and not extended. What can cause your baby to be breech? You have had more than one pregnancy You are carrying multiples (Twins or Triplets) To much or too little amniotic fluid Abnormal uterus shape Suffering from placenta previa Your baby has hydrocephalus (an abnormally large amount of fluid in the skull) Delivering a breech baby Most doctors nowadays believe that the safest way to deliver a breech baby is by…

Premature labor

Premature Labor - How To Tell If You Are At Risk In most cases pregnancy is a time of anticipation and happiness, but as most of you probably already know it can also be a time of complete uncertainty and confusion. Most women will be primarily concerned with the development of their baby – is everything alright; is baby developing in time with what is expected; will I be a good parent – these are some of the more common questions and concerns. During most of their pregnancy few women worry about going into labor early, even though we know…


How To Deal With Being Overdue A group of Danish researchers who studied pregnant women from 1980 to 1994 suggested that the cause for babies to be born past their due date may be the father's genes, or at least that they play a major part. "We believe this is a new observation. This result suggests that the timing of birth may, in part, be determined by parental genes." However, there are a group of British experts who say other factors could have influenced the study's findings, such as pre-eclampsia. Either way, what we are aware of is that there…