Conception Basics – The Key To Falling Pregnant

Ovulation And The Female Cycle
The key to falling pregnant is to know your own monthly cycle down to a tee. Not all monthly cycles are the same and can vary anywhere from between 22-42 days, with the average being 28 days. Some woman’s cycles even vary from month to month. It is usually recommended you track your cycle for 3 to 4 months to be 100% sure that you will be accurate. Ovulation usually takes place at around 14 days from the first day of your monthly cycle (bearing in mind the average cycle is 28 days). The first day of your cycle is taken as the first day on which you begin to have your discharge. However, you will begin to become more fertile from about 4 days before you actually ovulate and will last for up to 48 hours after you ovulate. You will be at your most fertile on the day prior to and of course on the day you do actually ovulate. Ovulation itself is easiest to calculate by measuring your body temperature, this is because you will have a slight increase in body temperature when you ovulate. If you are unable to calculate your ovulation date, then just work around the average of 14 days from the first day of your monthly cycle. Let’s take a look at the pie chart to make better sense of ovulation and when you are at your most fertile.
- Days 1-5: Your first day of the cycle is when you first start to menstruate. So day one is the day you begin to have discharge. It is very important to record this date as we will need it to calculate your estimated ovulation date.
- Days 6-11: These days are called ‘dry days’, as you are not menstruating nor are you fertile. Your body at this stage is simply preparing to release the egg.
- Days 12-18: These are the days when you will be at your most fertile. Your body will release the egg during the course of these 6 days, so this is the best time to be having sex if you are trying to conceive.
- Days 19-28: If you are only having sex during this period, then I am afraid to say you have missed your chance and will have to wait for the cycle to begin again. It is highly unlikely that you will have any success in falling pregnant during this time.

Basics Of Conception