Your Baby Development: 39 Weeks Old
How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 20 pounds and measuring 281/2 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. Your baby may be making sounds that have the tones of language, and some babies of this age are able to speak short words, such as “hi”, “bye”, “mama” or “dada”. He/She may be able to imitate a few animal sounds as well. Your baby will be willing to cooperate and learn about things, as long as he/she is interested in them already. You will notice that he/she can be stubborn when he/she is not interested in something. He/She may want to feed him/herself but not want to dress or undress him/herself. You may also notice that he/she may change his/her mind about what he/she enjoys tomorrow! Even babies at this tender age can be emotional. your baby may object vehemently when you try and take a toy away from him or her. He/She may cry copiously when you scold him/her or tel him.her “No!”. But just as quickly he/she can change his/her mood if something distracts or amuses him/her. Many parents become concerned that their baby is lagging behind other babies as far as development goes. Your baby may be focusing on one particular part of his/her learning skills, which may cause another development from progressing. However, this is not a permanent set back and as the other “lagging” development will catch up.Baby Development Milestones This Week
Physical Development
- Climbs
- Crawls up stairs
- Clasps hands
- Follows simple instructions
- Becomes afraid of heights
Mental & Social Development
- May begin to protect him/herself and possessions
- Performs for audiences, repeats act if applauded.
- Fever or height body temperature
- Hot dry skin
- Little or no urine
- Listlessness
- Irritability
- Poor feeding
You may notice a change in baby’s bowel movements now that he/she is eating more “grown up” food. This is normal and not a sign of food allergies or food intolerance.
Baby Week39