Your Baby Development: 31 Weeks Old
How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 17 1/2 pounds and measuring 27 1/2 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. Your baby may have learned to use his/her thumb to pick up and hold objects. This accomplishment helps to develop a “pincer grasp”, now baby can hold an object longer and examine it more closely. He/She can pass it smoothly from hand to hand, and may shake or bang it on the floor, or bang two objects together. In the next few weeks the pincer grasp will become more refined and enable baby to pick up very small objects, such as crumbs and bits of lint, so be aware of small items baby may pickup and put in his/her mouth. Baby has been working hard on his/her crawling techniques. He/She may be fairly adept at getting around now, and may follow you around the house, so be cautious when opening and closing doors and cabinets that you don’t get a little set of fingers caught in it. Just like an adult, babies can also experience stress. When your baby is under stress it may change his/her sleeping habits, he/she may sleep longer or shorted, more deeply or more lightly. Any of the following can contribute to an increase in stress level:- Change in her routine
- Separation anxiety
- Teething
- Development advances
Baby Development Milestones This Week
Physical Development
- May crawl with tummy off floor rather than creep
- May bang objects from hand to hand
- Feeds him/herself small crackers or small pieces of food
- Tastes everything
Mental & Social Development
- Vocalizes several sounds in breath
- Begins to learn implication of own actions
- Resists doing something undesirable
- May still be wary of strangers
- Bloating and gassiness
- Congested nose or runny nose with a thin clear discharge
- Itchy nose
- Itchy skin
- Sandpaper like rash on face
- Watery or itchy eyes
- Upset stomach
- Diarrhea
- Red rash around anus
- Vomiting
- Fussiness
- The earwax itself
- Ear pain
- Pulling, rubbing or tugging on an ear
- Decrease in hearing
Foods that cause allergies most often are egg whites, cows milk and some citrus juices.
Baby Week31