- Changing table – These are only really used in the baby’s first year of life if you are lucky to have a baby that will sit still for you. Once they reach a certain point, you are going to have a hard time getting them to lay still on top of it. You are much better off just buying a waterproof changing pad and lying them on the floor. It will save you money and could prevent a possible mishap too.
- Bassinet – Although these are really nice and pretty, you will only be able to use it for a very brief period of time. Once the baby can roll over, you cannot use them any longer. If you want to have the baby sleep near your bed, you could place a playpen with a bassinet feature next to the bed. Once you are done with the playpen’s bassinet, at least you will still have a useful playpen.
- Jumper, exersaucer or swing – These may be useful in entertaining your baby, but you might want to try your baby in one first before you make an investment in one. Not all babies like these movement/exercise toys and if that’s the case, you are going to end up wasting your money. If you have a friend or family member that has one, ask if you could borrow it for the day to test it out.
- A fancy diaper disposable system – Some of these can be quite expensive and you will have to keep buying the special bag refills. Any plastic container with a lid will work just fine if you change out the liner regularly. Plus, you can reuse your plastic grocery bags or use regular garbage bags in them, which will save you quite a bit.
- Video monitors – These are more of a device for the mom’s and dad’s well being, than for the baby. You probably aren’t going to sit there and watch the video monitor all throughout the night, so it might be a little more than you really need. A sound monitor will wake you if the baby cries or fusses in the night.
Baby products you could do without