How Will asthma affect me during pregnancy?
Risks to an expectant mom include:- Hypertension
- Preeclampsia, which is a leading cause of high blood pressure
- More than normal vomiting (morning sickness) in early pregnancy
How will asthma affect my baby?
Risks to an unborn child include:- Smaller babies and low birth weight due to slower growth. This is caused by the decreased amount of oxygen.
- Preterm labor (before 37 weeks) and birth
- In the worst case scenario, death
Types of asthma
As with any medication during pregnancy, you may be concerned about the effects it will have on the baby. When it comes to asthma drugs though, the benefits on taking the drugs and controlling asthma, outweigh any risks to the baby. It is more important that both you and the baby get the necessary amount of oxygen. There are various types of asthma medications out there, so consult your doctor to find out which one would be best during your pregnancy. The best thing to do is have these asthma controls in place before you start trying to conceive. Your doctor will not want to start switching medications during your pregnancy in case you have a reaction to any new treatment. Some types of asthma control are:- Rescue inhalers – These provide fast relief during an asthma attack through an inhaled spray.
- Prevention inhalers (steroid inhalers) – Prevent symptoms from occurring to begin with through daily use.
- Oral steroids (for example, prednisone)
What extra steps will my doctor take during my pregnancy?
The first two types of treatment (inhalers), only allow a small amount of medication to reach the baby. Oral steroids will have more of a direct impact on the baby and should only be used when necessary. One of the best ways to control your asthma is to avoid any such triggers that may bring on an asthma attack. A lot of asthma sufferers also have allergies, so it helps to keep them in control as well. There are plenty of allergy medications that are safe to use during pregnancy, so ask your doctor which ones are recommended for you. Asthma triggers may include:- Tobacco smoke/second hand smoke
- Mold
- Pollen
- Dust mites
- Animal dander
- Illnesses such as the cold and flu
- Exercise
Asthma and Pregnancy