Great Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy

- If you have an ultrasound picture already, include it with a card or wrap it up with a present. This can be a great way to do it if there is a holiday or birthday around the time you want to make your announcement.
- If it’s around a birthday, you could buy a “Happy Birthday!” card from the baby to be
- If it just so happens to be around Mother’s Day or Father’s Day and this is your first child, you could buy them a card or gift from the baby. If you already have a child, you can add “baby” when signing the card.
- Buy or make a picture frame that has #1 grandma/grandpa or #1 dad on it and frame the ultrasound picture as a gift.
- If you have children already, you can use them to help you out. You can make a t-shirt for them to wear that says things like, “I’m the big brother/sister” or “Big brother/sister in training”. Have them walk around wearing their shirts for the world to see. For all your distant friends and relatives, why not take a picture of them wearing the shirt and include it in an email.
- Buy a special gift that gives away the news, such as a baby toy or a t-shirt that has “grandma/grandpa” or “dad” on it.
- Leave clues scattered around the house that symbolize anything baby. You could use things like a rubber ducky, a baby bottle, a pacifier or a baby name book.
- Place some “parenting” magazines around the house or stash one in between your husbands current magazines.
- Write the announcement on the bathroom mirror. After your significant other takes a shower, he will come out and see the words in the foggy mirror.
- The next time your husband asks you for a drink, fill up a baby bottle instead of a regular cup.
- Change the screen saver on your husband’s computer to say “Hi, Daddy” or “I’m pregnant!”.
- If it’s near a birthday, include a special balloon along with some birthday balloons that read “#1 dad” or “#1 grandpa/grandma”.
- When your husband isn’t looking, replace his CD in his car with a CD containing baby songs or lullabies.
- If you are able to get a DVD of your ultrasound, play it at your next family or friends get together.
- Have some photo cards printed up using the ultrasound as a picture and mail them out to all your friends/family. You could do the same thing using the pictures of your kids wearing their announcement shirts.
- Have some people over for dinner and arrange the dinner table with baby accessories. For example, you could use bibs for napkins, sippy cups for drinks and pink and/or blue place mats.
Announcing Your Pregnancy