Your Fifth Week Home With Baby Post Pregnancy

- Now that you may be getting back into regular activities you can expect your back muscles to be a little stiff.
- You should have regained full control of your bladder and bowel movements.
- You be getting anxious to get back to work, but cherish the time you have with your baby while yo can.
- If you were experiencing any baby blues, then your emotion should be returning to normal by now.
- You may want to start planning for after birth contraception
- If you are going to be returning to work soon, you may want to start spending a few hours a day away from your baby, to start to adjust yourself to when you do return to work.
- Your clothes may still be a little tight. It can take some time for your body to return to it’s prepregnancy shape.
- Start making plans for daycare, and your back to work routine.
5th Week At Home